Ryan Katastrophe

Ryan Katastrophe
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Spits @ the Skihaus, Carbondale, IL 5.28.11

Last night, me and a ton of STL friends road tripped it to Carbondale, IL to see the almighty, all powerful Spits! Pictures won't do it justice but it was just as I expected, a drunken, sweaty mess of a party. It looked something like this...

TV Ghost

The Spits

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Here are a few things I did to prepare for this weekends rapture.

Thee Fine Lines,The Slow Death, & Doom Town. 5.19.11 @ The Warehouse

Thee Fine Lines

The Slow Death

Doom Town

Glass Teeth, Egg Chef, & Bugchaser 5.21.11 @ The Heavy Anchor


Egg Chef

Glass Teeth