Wednesday night I had the opportunity to see a few friends of mines new band, Bruiser Queen who were opening up for the phenomenal Woven Bones from Texas. Here are a few shots of those...
Bruiser Queen

Bruiser Queen

Woven Bones

Woven Bones

Friday night I went to one night of a three day festival called Twangfest. Generally, it's a bunch of alt country crap but over the last few years they have been incorporating a few bands here and there that I do enjoy. This particular night Those Darlins from Murphysboro, TN and the Detroit Cobras were on the bill.
Those Darlins

Those Darlins

Those Darlins

Me & Kelly Darlin

Detroit Cobras

Detroit Cobras

Me and some Detroit Cobras

Saturday night me and some friends hit the South Broadway Athletic Club for some good old fashioned pro wrestling. This is in fact the best place to go for people watching that I know of. Here is my favorite picture I captured this week. Something about a little kid getting berated by a scary ass wrestler makes me happy in so many ways.

That's the gist of it although there were plenty of fun moments that just could not be contained in a blog post. I'll be sure to hit ya with something else soon enough. Cheers!